The Uncomfortable Truth with Velvet Jones & Qaadi
We all know that the truth isn’t always pretty but it can also be uncomfortable at times. You know what else is uncomfortable? Growth! Here at the Uncomfortable Truth our Host Velvet Jones and Qaadi team up to tackle subjects not often openly discussed or viewed as taboo in the Black Community. We welcome you along for the ride, it’s The Uncomfortable Truth with Velvet Jones & Qaadi
73 episodes
WHOOP!!!!! Episode 72, The return of Uncomfortable Truth Alumni and very own Inglewood's own St. Nick along with Boskoe 100. This episode started off with small audio difficulties but quickly got on track. Everything was discussed from Boliti...
Episode 72

Politics As Unusual
We Promise we aren't a political podcast!!!! Dead ass serious
Episode 71

Unnatural Allegiance To Losers
We coming in hot with the 1st episode of the new year! Qaadi and Velvet give their take on the now viral Kat Williams interview, men wearing dresses, how they spent their new year and much more
Episode 62

Standing on Bidness
Episode 60 and we Standing on Bidness!!! That’s it, that’s the description. Tap in and enjoy it’s the Uncomfortable Truth
Episode 60

Real N!gg@$ Don't Cheat
Fresh off a Mecation Qaadi & Velvet tackle a few current events in the news cycle and catch back up. Ain’t nobody Podding like this!! Episode 59 of The Uncomfortable Truth Podcast Follow us on IG @the_uncomfortabletruthpodcast<...
Episode 59

Everyone has heard of a Vacation. Have you heard of a Mecation tho???!!!! Unplug, recharge and spoil yourself with a Mecation, episode 58 of the Uncomfortable Truth Podcast
Episode 58

Life isn't a Ponzi scheme
Long story short ain’t nobody podding like this! Episode 57 “Life isn’t a Ponzi Scheme”
Episode 57